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N.117 FRANK GEHRY (1996 - 2003) MONOGRAFIA


  • Editore: El Croquis
  • ISBN: 9770212568117
  • Disponibilità: Immediata
  • Prezzo: 50,95€ 48,40€
    Risparmi 2,55€ (-5%)
    Spedizione GRATUITA per ordini sopra EUR 30



    A conversation Frank Gehry [I] the design process
    Colomina, Beatriz

    A conversation with Frank Gehry [II] Gehry from a to z
    Colomina, Beatriz

    Gehry stays on the edge
    Webb, MIchael

    Going for baroque [Frank Gehry and the post-modern drapery fold]
    Lavin, Irving

    Walt Disney Concert Hall

    Nationale-Nederlanden Office Building in Prague

    The New Zollhof

    DZ Bank Building

    Experience Music Project

    Condé Nast Cafeteria

    Peter B. Lewis Building [Weatherhead School of Management]

    Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts

    The Ray and Maria Stata Center

    Corcoran Gallery of Art

    Hotel at Winery Marqués de Riscal

    Millennium Park Music Pavilion and Great Lawn

    The New York Times Headquarters

    Jerusalem Museum of Tolerance

    Venice Gateway

    Guggenheim Museum New York

    Le Clos Jordan Winery

    Museo Puente de Vida

    #architettura #elcroquis #logosedizioni

    Dati Libro
    Argomento Architettura
    Autore AA.VV.
    Copertina Brossurata
    Dimensioni 240x340
    Pagine 320
    Lingua/e Inglese, Spagnolo
    Peso 2.08 kg

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