• Editore: El Croquis
  • ISBN: 9788488386793
  • Disponibilità: Immediata
  • Prezzo: 60,00€ 57,00€
    Risparmi 3,00€ (-5%)
    Spedizione GRATUITA per ordini sopra EUR 30


    A conversation with José Selgas and Lucìa Cano (Enrique Walker)
    The architecture of Selgas Cano (Ryue Nishizawa
    Shambling Nature (Selgascano)
    El "B". Cartagena Auditorium and Congress Centre
    UIb Library
    55 Dwellings in Amsterdam
    Housing and Offices in an existing building, Leon
    Las Palmeras Park, Garrucha
    112 Emergency Call Centre, Mérida
    Madrid Penal Court Building
    Water Supply Tank in Villar del Rey
    Supercom Offices
    Sanchinarro Market
    Congress Centre, Vitoria
    Office in the Woods
    Eyewera Shop, Cartagena
    Factory Mérida
    Transport Interchange and archeological Park, Yenikapi
    Installation at 13th Venice Biennale
    "Pip" House
    Renovation of Texas Square in Oranjestad
    Extension to Rooftop Café, London
    "La Canaria" House
    Plasencia Auditorium and Congress Centre

    #architettura #elcroquis #logosedizioni

    Dati Libro
    Argomento Architettura
    Autore AA.VV.
    Copertina brossura
    Dimensioni cm 24,0 x 34,0
    Pagine 272
    Lingua/e Inglese, Spagnolo
    Peso 1.4 kg

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